Simple Natural Laundry Detergent

Did you know that most commercial liquid laundry detergent is up to 60-70% water? Most of what is being paid for is water! Not only that but the chemicals in most commercially made detergents are terrible for our skin. Let’s not even get started on the artificial scents added to these.

Let me jump down from my high horse and let you know that you can easily make your own detergent with just 3 ingredients. It cleans amazingly, is allergy and sensitive skin friendly, even for your smallest baby! One batch of this laundry detergent lasts my family of 5 for more than 3 months.

My mom gave me this recipe long ago and I have continued to use it as my family grew. It really is the best!

Washing Soda:

Also know as Sodium Bicarbonate is a natural occurring mineral that has been used for laundry since ancient times. It is excellent at removing grease and other tough stains.


Is a laundry aid and booster, it is Gentle and helps to deodorize and fight stains.


Is a heavy duty laundry bar that was produced around 1894 and is still and excellent product today. It will help fight tough stains such as the dreaded yellow pit stains. Equally you could also you castile soap in this recipe which also works wonderfully!

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Simple Natural Laundry Detergent

Easy, Clean and Allergy Friendly!



  • The longest part of this recipe is grating the Fels-Naptha soap. I suggest putting on your favorite movie and getting that arm work out in. If you have an extra food processor that you don’t mind using for non-food items you could certainly use that to grate the Fels-Naptha. But I use a classic cheese grater to get the job done.
  • Once soap is grated pour all ingredients into a large tub and combine.
  • Once combined, place into an air tight container. I have one container I keep in the laundry room and then store the excess in old protein powder containers till the main container needs to be refilled.
  • To use 2 tablespoons per load. If you have an HE or High Efficiency laundry machine you will only need to use 1 tablespoon.


  • I would suggest washing in hot water for whites. or warm for all other colors and sensitive materials. Washing in cold only can cause detergent residue to be left behind.
Lauren Gatti

Lauren Gatti

My name is Lauren. I am a mother, a wife, a dog and cat mom, homemaker, cook, baker and I wouldn’t give up any of these jobs for the world. The most important part of it all is continuously making my house a home for my family.

About Me

My name is Lauren. I am a mother, a wife, a dog and cat mom, homemaker, cook, baker and I wouldn’t give up any of these jobs for the world. The most important part of it all is continuously making my house a home for my family.

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